Saturday 26 December 2009

Water shortage pollution

Nowadays water pollution is one of the major problems in our life. Many people think about how they will get safe water to drink. Many people don’t have enough water to clean their stuff or to give their plants clean water. This problem is not only about safe water but we have now another big problem which is water shortage. It is a horrible thing to think about the world without water because it’s impossible for us to live without water so the two problems are very important.

There are more than 2 million people per year who died from the diseases in the water and the human body consists of 70 per cent of water (Flow). In addition besides using water for drinking they use it also to have a shower (Flow). Do not forget that a large number of children, which is close to 1.8 million die each year because of the lack of water and health expenses (Kowalski). There are many countries who complain of water shortages and pollution.In the table we have been given of the ratio of water use, agriculture accounted for 70 per cent, industry attributed 20 per cent and the human consumption get 10 per cent. The World Bank is responsible for government, environment, education, health. In the USA they use atrazin which is a weed killer and they use it for the plants, However, it has some bad effects and some of these effects are cancer and poisoning the people. New Mexico has 10 years water left and California has 20 years and 3 out of 4 Americans drink bottled water. The Nestle company is pumping the water out in the time of drought and for example. Nestle is pumping water out in the drought period to maintain the stock of waters. Another example is Bolivia where they drink water with blood because of slaughter houses. Although in South Africa they have problems with the water from the river because they have germs in it. The local people can’t buy the tablet because the standard of living is low (Flow).

We must know that many of the reasons that affect water pollution and shortages are due to global warming. This warming is caused by high temperatures in mountain areas. And climate change has a major impact on water resources and also causes drought in many cases (Kowalski). Scientists say that there are many countries which use a large proportion of water in agriculture and this leads to water shortages and scarcity. There is pollution of fresh water through the use of pesticides on farms, waste, poor sanitation equipment and industrial installations.

To repair water networks is therefore one of the simplest solutions. Reduce excessive water to crops through the use of drip irrigation. Focus on watershed management.and the use of technology to provide water and sanitation for all. Attempt to collect the largest amount of money to resolve the global water crisis (Kowalski).

In my opinion the best solution for this problem is to preserve the water and store it properly. Because this helps to conserve water and reduce contamination.


Kowalski, Kathiann. "Beyond thirst: the global water crisis." Faces: People, Places, and Cultures Apr. 2009: P84. Student Resource Centre Gold. Web. 22 Dec. 2009. .

"Problems: WATER SHORTAGES." Web of creation. Web. 22 Dec. 2009. .

FLOW, For Love of Water. Dir. Steven Starr. The Group Entertainment, 2008. DVD.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

50 words

1.Achievement, noun, something difficult you succeed in doing.
Studying in HCT is a great achievement.

2. Advertisement, noun, a notice or display advertising something. I like the advertisement in the newspaper.4. Appearance, noun, act of coming into view; impression, semblance.
My brother likes the appearance of the weather.

3. Aspect, noun, point of view, facet; appearance, outlook; direction; action of a verb without relating to its time.
The photographer takes pictures in every aspect.

4. Audience, noun, point of view, facet; appearance, outlook; direction; action of a verb without relating to its time.
The audience was listening to the music.

5. According: verb (used without object) . to be in agreement or harmony; agree.

Afraid: Feeling fear; filled with apprehension: afraid to go.

*The main reason for people to not get a driver’s license it’s because they are afraid of driving. (adjective )

6. Almost: Very nearly; all but: almost every house; almost the entire symphony; to pay almost nothing for a car; almost twice as many books.

* It was almost morning when I finished studying for the exam. (adverb )

7. Amount: The sum total of two or more quantities or sums; aggregate.

*The amount of the water in the human’s blood is more than 50%. (noun )

8. Apartment: A room or a group of related rooms, among similar sets in one building, designed for use as a dwelling.

*It’s not easy to get an apartment in Abu Dhabi that is not very expensive. (noun )

9. Aspect: Appearance to the eye or mind; look: the physical aspect of the country.

10. Ambulance (noun): a specially equipped motor vehicle, airplane, ship, etc., for carrying sick or injured people, usually to a hospital.

11. Benefit: Something that is advantageous or good; an advantage: He explained the benefits of public ownership of the postal system.

12. Beautiful: Having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech.

13. Believe (verb): to suppose or assume; understand.

14. Before, preposition, previous to; earlier or sooner than, ahead of; in the future of; awaiting.

15. Because:conjunction, for the reason that; due to the fact.

16. Bullying, verb, intimidate or persecute (someone weaker).

17. Buddha, noun, (born Siddhartha Gautama) Nepali religious leader and the founder of Buddhism (c.563-c.483 BC); spiritual teacher; person who has reached full enlightenment.

18. Beneficial (adjective): having a good effect. Eating carefully and doing exercise are good for your health.

19. Career, noun, profession; fast run, gallop.

20. Committed, verb, perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).

21. Competition, noun, rivalry, act of competing against another; contest.

22. Convenient, adjective, serviceable; comfortable; useful.

23. Change: verb, to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history.

24. Culture:noun, the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group: the youth culture.

25. Control:noun. the act or power of controlling; regulation; domination or command.

26. Customs, noun, duties, taxes; official procedure of inspecting merchandise and interrogating people coming into a country; location or place where this is carried out.

27. Choice: An act or instance of choosing; selection: Her choice of a computer was made after months of research. His parents were not happy with his choice of friends.

28. Correct: To set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from: The native guide corrected our pronunciation.

29. Culture: The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.

30. Capable (adjective): having the qualities or ability needed to do something.

31. Disappointment, noun, state of not have expectation fulfilled.
This day's business has disappointment selling products.

32. Dormitory, noun, living quarters for residents of an institution (i.e. university, etc.).

33. Dramatically, adverb, in a dramatic manner, in a theatrical manner.

34. Different: adjective, not alike in character or quality; differing; dissimilar: The two are different.

35. Disappointment, noun, state of not have expectation fulfilled.
This day's business has disappointment selling products.

36. Dormitory, noun, living quarters for residents of an institution (i.e. university, etc.).

37. Disappear, verb, go out of sight; become extinct, cease to exist.
Suddenly, the thief disappeared.

38. Difficult: adjective . not easily or readily done.

39. Describe: To tell or depict in written or spoken words; give an account

40. Degree: Any of a series of steps or stages, as in a process or course of action; a point in any scale.

41. Department: A distinct part of anything arranged in divisions; a division of a complex whole or organized system.

42. Expatriate (noun): someone who lives in a foreign country. My friend is expatriate.

43. Eliminate (verb): to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted.

44. Experience (noun): the process or fact of personally observing, encountering, or undergoing something.

45. Follow: verb, to come after in sequence.

46. Family: noun . parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not.

47. Future: Time that is to be or come hereafter.

48. Foreigner (noun): someone who comes from a different country.

49. Machine: noun . an apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work: a sewing machine.

50. Noise: Sound, esp. of a loud, harsh, or confused kind.